SR 42 Stream Stability and Design for Chickasawhay River

SR 42 (Bridge #107.9) Stream Stability and Countermeasure Design for Chickasawhay River

Greene County, MS


The downstream migration of an upstream channel bend was jeopardizing the embankment of State Route 42 and Bridge No. 107.9 over the Chickasawhay River. The Mississippi Department of Transportation contracted Mendrop and two subconsultants, Tice Engineering, Inc., and Biedenharn Group, LLC, to conduct a hydraulic study of the river, provide a hydraulic design for stream stability and countermeasures, and develop final Right-of-Way plans for bank stabilization and countermeasures.

For the second phase of the project, Mendrop provided final construction plans for the proposed bank stabilization countermeasures ā€“ including riprap revetment, bendway weirs, and a longitudinal stone toe dike ā€“ traffic control sign quantities, and an erosion control plan. As a part of Phase ā€œCā€ Construction Services, Mendrop worked with Burns, Cooley, Dennis, Inc. for slope stability analyses and geotechnical reports, and Tice Engineering, Inc. for updated drone/aerial survey and multi-beam hydrographic surveys.


  • Hydraulic Modeling
  • Plan Development
  • Channel and Bank Stability Study
  • Construction Services
  • Bridge Scour Study
  • Stream Instability Countermeasure Design