City of Batesville WWTP Upgrades

City of Batesville Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Upgrades

Batesville, MS


Mendrop has continuously worked alongside the City of Batesville to maintain and update their sewer infrastructure and wastewater facilities. Some of the improvements include new aerator rotor covers, new pumps, a new UV light, and new SCADA systems. After conducting an evaluation of the long-term wastewater management needs, Mendrop was contracted to develop a new Wastewater Facilities Plan.

The phased implementation includes rehabilitation and upgrades to the pump station and secondary clarifiers, as well as office and laboratory upgrades to include a new building. Mendrop worked with the City of Batesville to utilize the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality’s Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Fund to move forward with these upgrades.


  • Wastewater
  • Engineering Design
  • Plan Development
  • Construction Management
  • Cost Estimating